Midnights heart ach
We dance in our passion for one night longer.
Our tongues wrestle with our soul’s turmoil,
We feed on each others love, with an uncontrollable hunger,
And then lay in its wake and with each others hair we toil.
The night is fading into the darkness of day,
We long to dance again with the moon,
And to talk with out having anything to say,
"Don't worry Love I will be with you soon".
We depart our ways with a final kiss,
It burns into our hearts like a brand,
So once again until our midnights bliss,
Then I will dance with you without a band.
Oh love what is this we feel.
To be two lovers in a moment of bliss,
And then to leave not knowing if it was real.
I love you and you I will surely miss.

Our tongues wrestle with our soul’s turmoil,
We feed on each others love, with an uncontrollable hunger,
And then lay in its wake and with each others hair we toil.
The night is fading into the darkness of day,
We long to dance again with the moon,
And to talk with out having anything to say,
"Don't worry Love I will be with you soon".
We depart our ways with a final kiss,
It burns into our hearts like a brand,
So once again until our midnights bliss,
Then I will dance with you without a band.
Oh love what is this we feel.
To be two lovers in a moment of bliss,
And then to leave not knowing if it was real.
I love you and you I will surely miss.

Hihi Poetic Bum!
I must COMMENT HERE! this blog of poems are really beautiful!
Esp this one on dance!
R U A dancer or POet??
AS I was reading through ur poems and images running thru my mind are like movies! How interesting and thought-inspiring! U are really good at this!
heya of cos I wont mind! thanks for ur compliment on my poem! glad u like it! Dat's one of my life poems!
Like u, i love weaving words into chains of stories and it brings my mind into the sphere of the mind and spirit!
i will keep coming bk to ur blog and love to see back to my blog as well!
Felicia K.
Oh I will definatly be back to your blog, but I must disagree my poems are just things I make up with a bit booze in me.
I have found though that there are som many really good poems in blogspot. All one must to is go looking. I have to admit, I have at the moment no life, so I spend a fair amount of time looking through blogs. Once in a while I come across a blog that really speaks to me, and I comment. They're not always blogs of poetry... Just the vast majority.
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