A Forgotten Life

I worte this years ago when something like this had happened. And just so everyone knows I am not upset. I'm not wallowing in my pain. This is just a poem of mine. And I feel like posting it.
Your absence make me cry with pain.
I miss your smile, you lips,
And no sense of shame.
Your face haunts my tortured memories
And in them I find no blessed remedies,
I look upon your picture with heartache,
And when I look away only one thing do I take,
Unholy torment,And yet I smile, even if only for a moment
It wasn't like that at first, but now yes. Its like misery for so long that you can't imagine what it would feel like with out it... Then you get this wave of bliss, where you aren't "happy" but your not sad either. Then it returns.
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