Saturday, April 15, 2006

I will survive?

Family, how is that a family which is supposed to be supportive can be so... Tearing down... I know that there are lots of my family who come here and read this, and I am truly sorry, but this is how I feel. When I am at home in Lethbridge, away from my blood relatives, I'm confident, and sure of what I can do. I know that what ever I am going to do is going to be hard, and something I am not used to, but I know I can do it. But as soon as I am with family, it seems that whatever I do, it's a mistake, and though they don't say it they let me know. They don't approve, and I always feel troubled. I start to think a certain way and I see them, then everything is turned upside down and suddenly I feel as if my legs have just been ripped from underneath me. I want to make my OWN decisions, ones that are not influenced one way or another. But then again what do I know right? I'm young, stupid to the way the world works right? So I'll just have to make some dumb founded decision that I will inevitable regret not listening to my family. So anyone who is reading this from Lethbridge, I am bring back a number of Cubans, and we are going to celebrate another survival from my family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Family - as a sage once said, "You can pick your friends but not your family". You're stuck with them! Perhaps your family just wants to offer advice so that you may avoid the pitfalls that they have already experienced. However, another wise person once said that lessons learned through personal experience are those most remembered. So go ahead, do it your way; maybe that's the only way you will truly know for yourself. No doubt your family will still be there to encourage you in your journey, and even gather the pieces that fall off, or apart, as it may be. Keep searching for the answers, and eventually they will come to you.

7:50 p.m.  
Blogger Poetic_bum said...

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11:44 a.m.  
Blogger Poetic_bum said...

tell me wanda bee 2... How old are you? Do I know you? I'm not sure who you are, but no offence you sound A LOT like my mother. Which isn't always a bad thing, but it seems that your telling me that my way is most likley full of pit falls, and thats basicaly what I think they are saying to me.

11:46 a.m.  

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