
So a guess my was rather rash... I didn't want to stop doing this. I need it. I don't care who reads this. As I said before, its a little disheartening knowing who doesn't read this. But A guess that the way it goes. So here my question for you to ponder... Is it wrong to recover from a tragedy that is your own fault by looking for solace in another’s arms?
alot more people than you realize are most likely seeing this site. I would guess that most, like me have been just looking, not wanting to "invade" your space with comments. Or I guess you might be asking for others to see this than us. either way we are interest in this if you realize it or not.
... thanks... It's good to know that peole actualy come here. But there is no such thing as invading my space... Not here anyway. But thanks for the concern.
what ever, get over it. heh, yes you know who this is, I imagine I would be one of the few who would tell you that. Just think a few more days then we can discuss all over beers, wine and a little counter strike for shits and giggles.
the beach, the pier, maybe even a little bit of uncle devon's will make you smile a bit more often, and yes she has been asking for you agian.
soon buddy soon.
later mano
I agree with you, amd I have only one guess, and its just that a guess. But I think what you say has one flaw. What about solace when it is found in the arms of another, but found out by the one's you have hurt?
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