DAMN! I hate, yes I said hate damn it, I hate you hard heartened Christians, who call your self's this, but don't know the meaning of the word. You think trying not to sin is going to save your souls? HA! I am sorry, but God paid for our sins. Why must you continue to focus on not sinning? There was a prof I heard of who would walk into his class on Christianity and hand out a $100 bill and say to a random person every year, "Here do you want this? It's yours, if you do. No? Why not?" The reason they always gave was because they didn't do anything for it. That's why you want to not sin. That’s why you think it matters. But it doesn't. What matters is what you do with that gift. God gave us that gift and it right in front of our nose. And yet, what do you do. You take it and give $50 back. Your missing the point! You are supposed to take it and use it. But not for YOUR pleasure, but for the good of the common man. Spend it on food for that homeless individual you walk by, whether he asks for it or not. Give it your neighbour who can't afford this months rent! Give it to anyone who NEEDS it. And then, give more. Give everything you have. And you'll see why and what it means to be a Christian. Yes you need to love God, and Yes you do need to ask for forgiveness. but that's not what makes you a Christian. That’s what makes a believer! Hell! Satin would be a believer. What? Satin doesn't ask for forgiveness. Your right! Finally. Your right he doesn't, because he doesn’t care. But he is still a believer. he still believes in God, and salvation. The big difference is he see's his salvation in the exact opposite thing that a Christian does. He see's it in harming us. He thinks that he can ruin everything and if everything is ruined then guess what, nothing can harm him! But did any of you Christian every see that before now? No. You might not even believe it now. But then again, you ARE the ones who God speaks of in the verse thee hearts are hardened to the word... The word is not to try and stop sinning! It was to be like Jesus... To sacrifice our OWN life’s, for others.... For love.

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