By Devon Coupland
Long have I been away from the heart of Men.
For long have I been battling the demons of my soul,
I have fought long and I have fought hard and have managed to keep whole,
Whole from my demons seductive smile,
Whole by my constant stream of denial.
A denial that is rich,
A denial that is strong,
A denial that I have used for all too long.
Soon I will fade.
Fade from sight,
Fade from the light,
A light that saves and kills
With a single breath,
And takes everything from you it owes,
Until there’s nothing left,
But a light that blinds as it allows you to see,
All that is you and all that is me.
A light whose single embrace is heaven and hell,
And even more then you can tell.
You’ve fallen in love with the demon,
But you reject it just the same,
And then you’re back at the start of whence you came.
Fighting the demon from every angle,
Fighting the Demon…Or is it an Angel?
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